General Fixes that we couldn't do before GMTK Game Jam Deadline


This our first ever devlog!
It's going to be short and sweet. 

Pretty much, we're almost done with getting the game to a playable state. our latest version fixes a major bug that rendered the game unplayable, so it works now! YAY!

We're going to be bringing V1.0 out in the coming days. It's going to be more of a proof of concept than a fully fleshed out game. The reason being is that the game was rushed to get it out before the 48hr deadline so it's very messy. If we'd want to continue with it, we'd have to pretty much start from the ground up.

We have something new in the pipeline which is super rad, but it's still just ideas so a while off.

Lastly, we have a discord for any feedback. We are very new to this, and TLMP Co. was our very first game so come say hi and if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the downloads ad feedback so far!

The Employees of Totally Legit Meat Packing Co.

Files 74 MB
Jul 22, 2020

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